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You can help us make local people's lives better

We're a small, independent charity that relies on local grants and funding to enable us to deliver our services across the district. We do not receive funds from or are part of the central government.

A message to our donors


Did you know?

Many people don't realise that we are a small, independent, local charity. We have to fundraise for all our income and this wouldn't be possible without the support of our donors who are passionate about our local community and the work we do in supporting people in need. Our district council and some town councils are incredibly supportive of our work and provide funds each year through the provision of annual or three year grants. But these grants aren't enough to run the organisation and must raise all our own funds ensure we can maintain services now, and in the future. We need your help to ensure we can keep delivering services and be there for people when they need us.

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We need your help to ensure we can support our community to not just manage but thrive.


We must increase individual giving and diversify our income sources to ensure the long-term sustainability of the organisation, that is not reliant on a small range of income sources. We need your support to ensure we can deliver essential services now and in the future. 


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If you would like to donate now, please email 

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Call us on 0808 278 7892

Out-of-hours voicemail service 01273 007557

Lewes District Citizens Advice is an operating name of Lewes District Citizens Advice Bureau

Charity registration number: 1068146

Company l​imited by guarantee

Registered number: 3485336

Registered office: 15 - 19 Chapel Street, Newhaven, East Sussex, BN9 9PN

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA Authorisation Number 617651

FR Fundraising Badge
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