Whatever problem you face
We can help you to find a way forward
We can support you with a face-to-face appointment, over the phone, by email or via our self help website

Get Advice from Lewes District Citizens Advice
Lewes District Citizens Advice provide free, independent, confidential and impartial information, advice and guidance on a wide range of subjects
Get in touch in a way that works for you
We aim to reply within 5 consecutive working days. Please note that due to exceptionally high demand at present, we are taking longer than usual to reply to enquiries. We ask for your patience.

Leave us a message
01273 007 557

Call our Advice Line
Lines open Tuesday - Thursday 10am-3pm
Freephone 0808 278 7892
What we can help with
Benefits – help with all benefits, including specialist benefits caseworkers ​
Debt – money advice and information to help with your debts
Employment– help with redundancy, unfair dismissal, grievances, flexible working and more
Consumer – problems with your fuel bills, mobile, disputes with tradespeople
Family – divorce, relationship breakdown, powers of attorney
Housing – homelessness, eviction, tenancy problems
Cost of Living Crisis -foodbank referrals, emergency fuel vouchers, tailored household support grant advice

Image credit: www.alexismaryon.com
Who we can help
Our services are available to anyone who lives or works in Lewes District. We are pleased to be able to offer face to face advice sessions, by appointment only, in the following offices:

Our Client Charter outlines what we will do for you, and what we ask for in return.

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday by appointment only
10am - 3.30pm
15-19 Chapel Street
Monday by appointment only
10am - 3.30pm
37, Church Street
BN25 1HG

Wednesdays: Drop-in service
10am - 12 and 1pm-3pm
Meridian Centre
Meridian Way
BN10 8BL

Friday by appointment only
10am - 3.30pm
6 High Street
BN7 2AD​
Lewes District Self Help
Find advice on where to get help locally in Lewes District

National Citizens Advice Self-Help
The National Citizens Advice website offers a wealth of useful information about our key advice areas. Explore the following topics or Contact Us for tailored support